Beginning Monday, May 17 – Library building reopens to the public!
*Weekly Schedule of Open Hours AND Library Takeout:
Mondays: 10 am to 1 pm
Tuesdays: 10 am to 1 pm
Wednesdays: 10 am to 1 pm
Thursdays: 4 to 7 pm
Fridays: 1 to 5 pm
Saturdays:  10 am to 1 pm

*Hours may be changed with little notice due to the library’s commitment to staff and patron safety.
*The Library anticipates resuming its regular operating schedule beginning Monday, July 12. For specific daily hours see our Calendar.

Not yet a member? Sign up using our Make Me a Member form

To place a Library Takeout order, do ONE of the following:

  • Use the “Place hold” link in the catalog; you will need to log in to your online library account (Login: your library card number & Password: your last name with only the first letter capitalized)
  • Send an email to with your contact information and items you want to borrow (specific titles or a subject/type)
  • Call 802-442-9051 and leave a message with your contact information and items you want to borrow (specific titles or a subject/type)

When your library takeout is ready, you will receive an email notice. If you do not use email, library staff will call you.

Remember to continue to practice physical distancing and to wear a face mask near others.

Do not come to collect items if you are feeling unwell or are having respiratory symptoms.

Library Foyer Pick up is a simple walk through.
To collect your library takeout, enter the library on the ramp side (side closest to Main Street). Your package, labeled with your first name and last initial, will be on the bookshelves in the foyer. Collect your package and leave through the opposite door (closest to Union Street).

If you arrive and someone is in the foyer collecting a package, please wait outside.

The library is fine-free until further notice, but you can return items to the library’s book drop.

*Ignore email notices stating your items are overdue. All items rest in quarantine for at least 7 days before they are checked in. Your items will be checked in and removed from your account.

Please Note: Donations of items for the library book sale are not being accepted. 

Questions? Call 802-442-9051 or email

Stay well!