Make Me a Member

Join the Bennington Free Library community as a patron. Library membership is free to residents of Bennington, North Bennington, Woodford, and Shaftsbury.
Non-residents (individuals who do not live or pay taxes in Bennington, North Bennington, Woodford, or Shaftsbury) may purchase library membership at the following rates:
Non-resident yearly membership rates (effective March 1, 2011):
$25.00 per Family, $19.00 per Individual, $5.00 per student (Grade 12 and under)
• The Library reserves the right to ask for verification of residency before issuing a borrower’s card.
• College students, whether living on campus or in temporary housing, are considered non-residents.
• The last membership rate change was enacted in 2004.

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Open Hours:
Mon – Wed: 10 AM to 1 PM
Thurs: 4 PM to 7 PM
Fri: 1 PM to 5 PM
Sat: 10 AM to 1 PM