More Take-and-Make Activity Bags in 2021!
Pick up during open hours…watch for different themes
Check out related book suggestions

Beginning June 19 (for children ages 12 to 36 months): Toddlers & Two’s Early Learning Fun Bags: Fun with Rhythm & Rhyme! Generously supported by a Sunrise Direct Services Community Grant.

Past Activity Bags:
Beginning May 17 (for children ages 12 to 36 months): Toddlers & Twos ABC’s Early Learning Fun bags! Generously supported by a Sunrise Direct Services Community Grant.
Beginning May 12 (for adults): Seed Love
Beginning May 1 (for children and families): Arbor Day Activity Bags provided by the Vermont Urban and Community Forestry Program and the Vermont Department of Libraries

Starting April 24 (for adults): Poetry, Precipitation, Process
Starting April 10 (for children ages 12 to 36 months): Toddlers & Twos ABC’s Early Learning Fun bags! Generously supported by a Sunrise Direct Services Community Grant.

Available for March 18, part of Museum ABC’s “Hats Off to Hats!” bags
Staring March 3 (for adults): Here Comes the Sun!

Starting February 22 (for children ages 12 to 36 months): Toddlers & Twos Early Learning FUN!  Generously funded by a grant from Stewart’s Shops.
Starting February 10 (for families): Valentine Activity Boxes

Starting January 27 (for adults): January Is Hot Tea Month
Starting January 20 (for families): Snowflake Fun!


Open Hours:
Mon – Wed: 10 AM to 1 PM
Thurs: 4 PM to 7 PM
Fri: 1 PM to 5 PM
Sat: 10 AM to 1 PM